Our Services
Local Government
Public Affairs
What We Do:
CliffordMoss helps public agencies, private organizations and individuals build public support for ballot measures, strategic initiatives and campaigns.
Public Information
Goals: inform, raise awareness, and build community support.
- Election Feasibility & Planning
- Public Information Programs
- Innovative Listening Initiatives
- Stakeholder / Opinion Leader Engagement / Community Outreach
- Strategic Communications & Political Consulting
Campaigns & Elections
Goals: mobilize the community support needed to WIN.
- Local Ballot Initiatives
- Local Revenue Measures
- For Schools: School Bonds and Parcel Tax Measures
- For Cities: Sales Taxes, Bonds, Parcel Taxes, UUTs, TOTs, etc.
- For Transportation Agencies: Bonds, Parcel and Sales Taxes
- For Counties and Special Districts: call us – you have options
- Candidate Elections
- Grassroots Organizing, Strategic Outreach & Voter Contact
- Social Media & Online Campaigns
Public Communication and Public Affairs
Goals: succeed in the public arena
- Engage decision-makers, stakeholders and community
- Strategic Political Navigation
- Build and mobilize support
Our clients include: school districts, transportation agencies, community colleges, healthcare districts, cities, counties, special districts, a variety of public and private organizations, and some of California’s most innovative, ethical and effective elected officials.
Whether your work lies in a large urban community, a tiny rural or coastal community, a multi-lingual community with complex and diverse communication needs, or anything in between, we can help.
Let the CliffordMoss Team help you tell your story.
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